Resetting Passwords


Forgetting passwords is something people do - there's simply no avoiding it (although we encourage the use of Password Management applications to help)

With this in mind, you may need help recovering your lost password to the GoGoWorx system.

Requesting a Password Reset link

If so, on the login page, you'll notice there is a large "Forget?" button in the login area. Clicking this will take you to the Forgot Password page, where you can enter either your email address you associated with the system, or your username (not your full name).

Once you click on the "Reset Password" button after doing this, the system will send out a Password Reset link in an email to the email address registered in the system.

When you get this email, it will provide you a unique one-time use link that will open a page that allows you to specify a new password. You will need to create a complex password (including a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters) since strong passwords are enforced.

Administrative Reset

If you can't remember which email address you used, or if it's simply easier to ask the account admin to request a password reset link email be sent out, they are able to do so from the Dashboard, accessing the Users list, then selecting your name. There is a "Reset Password" button at the bottom of the page that will cause the system to send out a new Password Reset link to your registered email address.

If you receive an unexpected Password Reset request in an email that you didn't request, simply ignore it to continue using your current password.