API Gateway 9 articles

API Overview

The GoGoWorx Application Program Interface (API) allows programmatic access to your account's content from your applications or scripts. This can be used for importing or exporting content, or to control access to content. Secure Protocol The GoGoWorx API only supports secure HTTPS connections with a minimum Transport Layer Security (TLS) version of 1.2 The TLS protocol addresses net…

Testing API Connectivity

To confirm your connectivity when working with the GoGoWorx API Gateway functions, select a simple request to verify that your authentication and request parameters are correct. In the various examples we have included, many show how to make calls using the common command line tool curl, so one simple method of testing may be to use that to make sure that your authentication strings and API Key…

Category API Endpoint

Categories are used to organize articles into logical groupings. Before any article can be created, a category must exist as its parent. Categories themselves are organized in a parent / child tree structure, where initial categories are created without any parent, so are called "root" categories (with a parent_id set to 0, indicating it has no parent). Using the Category API, you can programmati…

Article API Endpoint

Articles are organized into categories. Several articles can exist within a single category, which will display them together as an associated group. Each article must be assigned to a category, which controls access to readers via the user_groups settings. Using the Article API, you can programmatically access article objects to organize these from your own applications and scripts. Possible …

Group API Endpoint

Groups are used to organize access to content (categories and articles) based on assigning categories and users to groups, or excluding them from groups. A group is a logical association that categories and users can be assigned to. For example, if a category is assigned to a group named "top-secret", then only users also assigned to that group (via user_groups) can access any articles within tha…

User API Endpoint

Users management controls access to your account as well as access to various groups of content for your readers.  In a general sense, there are staff users as well as non-staff user user (readers). Each user can be assigned a User Role  to determine their overall access to your application. User_groups are also used to include certain types of (typically non-staff) users into groups which contro…

Category Group API Endpoint

Category groups are used to associate categories with defined group, which control access to your content (categories and articles). Using the Category Group API, you can programmatically organize ` category_group ` objects from your own applications and scripts to control which categories have access to which groups. The category_group object Attributes category_id Unique…

User Group API Endpoint

A user_group object associates a user with a defined group, which in turn control access to your content (categories and articles). Users who are members of specific groups (as determined by a corresponding user_group object) will be able to access categories and articles within those categories that are also associated with the same group. Using the User Group API, you can programmatically organ…

Search API Endpoint

Being able to easily and quickly search articles for information is perhaps one of the most important aspects of Knowledge Management.  Using the Search API, you can programmatically search for information either publicly accessible articles, or by articles filtered by a specific group_id that may be assigned to users. There are different types of search criteria that can be used, offering a grea…

API Gateway   9 articles