
Featured Article

Categories are used to organize articles into logical groups relating to the same topic, allowing articles of a similar topic to be organized together.

The Category List can be used to navigate through the hierarchical category structure to locate articles of interest when browsing. Alternatively, users can utilize the powerful search capabilities built into the system.

Adding a New Base Category

If you can imagine the category structure as a tree, similar to how computers organize files into logical folders, this is how categories are arranged.

When a new base topic is created, something that may be somewhat unrelated to other topics, it is best to create a new root or base entry for that category, so that it appears at the top level. Remember that system editors can move categories and articles around and rearrange the structure at any time.

Ideally, you should try to limit the number of base categories you create, giving users a cleaner, more understandable set of choices when browsing, however there is no limit, so you are free to create as many as you like.

The 'Published' flag for new base categories being created will be set as specified in the Admin Settings section.

Adding a New Child Category

Once you have created a Base Category that appears in the root or base of the category structure, you can add articles to that category, or you can add other child categories below it, to better organize your content.

By default, any child (or sub-category) of an existing category will be created with the same published setting and group assignments as the parent category you are adding to. You can change these settings as desired, if you want to have different options for the new child category (for example, if you're not ready to publish it at the moment).

Category Visibility

Visibility of categories, any child categories and any articles within these are controlled by the group permissions assigned to each category. For example, you may want some content to only be seen by staff members, or only select groups of users. This is achieved by assigning a category to one of the available groups that has been defined.

Users are also optionally assigned to groups when they log in, so for example, if you wanted a user who is assigned to the "Grandma's Secret Recipes" group to be able to see articles within "Grandma's Secret Recipes", you would assign selected categories (along with articles and child categories they contain) to "Grandma's Secret Recipes". This way, only users who are also assigned to this group would be able to see those articles.

Category Groups Example

Note that a category (and users) can be assigned to multiple groups, so be careful when assigning these. For more information, read the Group Permissions article.

Editing Categories

Edit Category Button When a category is edited, its 'published' setting and the selected group settings may be optionally propagated to descendant categories, which makes it easy to change the settings for a complete category branch or subset of the total category structure.

Clicking the "Update Category" button when saving your category changes will automatically prompt you to ask whether you want to propagate the settings to descendants or not. This will only be asked if the category you're editing actually has child categories.

Note that this option to propagate to child and ALL descendant sub-categories is very useful, but you need to think about what information you will expose by applying such a change, since you can affect a number of categories and their corresponding articles with this one operation.

If in doubt, select the 'No, Just this one' option in response to whether you want to propagate changes, then after verifying this is what you want, you can repeat the operation to make those changes if you wish.

Category Icons

Images can be associated with each category, allowing them some styling when displayed.

There are a number of builtin icons available to choose from within the application, which are listed below. By default, the icon will be set to Default Category Icon ( default-150.png ) unless otherwise selected.

Icon Filename Icon Filename Icon Filename
default-150.png gantt-150.png range-slider-150.png
book-open-150.png graduate-01-150.png painter-150.png
book-shelf-150.png help-150.png student-read-04-150.png
box-02-150.png home-150.png teacher-02-150.png
box-open-150.png hospital-lab-150.png business-man-settings-150.png
branch-engineering-150.png leaf-150.png flower-01-150.png
business-card-01-150.png library-books-150.png flower-150.png
category-150.png light-bulb-150.png user-profile-150.png
conditional-formatting-150.png meeting-150.png flag-150.png
customize-01-150.png nodes-150.png spaceship-01-150.png
data-information-150.png nuclear-150.png help2-150.png
document-01-150.png puzzles-150.png design-float-150.png
folder-cube-01-150.png student-laptop-150.png student-read-03-150.png
folder-movie-03-150.png task-01-150.png 24-7-150.png

These images are all hosted at followed by the name of the image. It is likely you won't need to reference these images directly, however if you are working with the Category API Endpoint ,  then these references can be helpful.

In addition to these builtin images that may be selected, you can also choose your own custom images to associate with categories. Your own images can easily be uploaded through the dashboard interface.