Custom Footer


The page "Footer" is the section of the page that appears at the very bottom of each of the public-facing pages and articles on the site. This is typically pre-defined using the default version provided by GoGoWorx.

If you would like to customize this to include your company name, or logo, including any other branding or links, etc. then you should select one of the account types that allows design customization, which are currently the Pro and Enterprise Services.

Once you have upgraded to one of these account types, the Themes option in the Dashboard becomes available to you, allowing you to visually create both Header and Footer designs that are to your customized theme. Many customers prefer to choose these options to maintain their corporate identity and branding as their customers view the knowledge base.

During your free 30-day trial period, we encourage users to try out these custom theme options to see how easy they are to configure and use.

After defining a custom footer, you can choose between showing the default version that is built-in, or enabling your own custom version, all within the Themes Settings page in the Dashboard.