Trial Period


All GoGoWorx knowledge base service plans come with a 30-day trial period to allow you to fully experience all of the functionality offered by our services.

We encourage new users to take advantage of this in order to check out each of these features to help you make an informed decision about which of the available Account Types is the best match for you, your team and your users.

Feel free to change account types during the trial period, so that you can compare the different features each plan offers.

At any time before the end of the trial period, you can decide to subscribe to one of the account types and providing payment information in your account settings, or if you decide not to continue using the service, it will automatically discontinue at the end of the 30 day trial period. You can also change to the Basic (free) service to continue using those limited options forever if you prefer - you can upgrade to a different plan later too.

Please be sure to sign up to your selected account before the end of your trial period to avoid any service interruption. If you have any questions about this, please contact for assistance or guidance.

After your trial period has ended, you are also free to change Account Types at any time, or cancel whenever you like. There are no cancellation fees - only pay for what you use.