Getting Started


Hello Greetings! and welcome to the GoGoWorx Knowledge Base service, which allows you to gather important information into a nicely organized, easy to use website that can be shared between your coworkers, customers or users.

This section is part of our sample content, which is aimed at providing you some examples, ideas and guidance on how you can generate your own knowledge base content and how to organize that content.

Useful Information

Before we get started, let's go over some important information about GoGoWorx that you may find useful

  • We have a complete knowledge base dedicated as a reference to GoGoWorx support, which describes all of the features available to you you. This can be accessed at any time by visiting: . We'll make many hyperlink references to articles in our support knowledge that we think you may find helpful within this sample content.
  • Our service is entirely cloud-based, so works completely within your browser and can be used without downloading anything. Please make sure you're using a modern web browser when accessing GoGoWorx in order to make use of the latest web technologies (such as HTML5).
  • If you run into any issues when using our service, please let us know by sending feedback.

If you have any other questions, need assistance or want to send feedback, the easiest way to contact us is directly at support[at] for assistance.

Sample Content

When you first create your GoGoWorx account, you will see some sample content including some categories and articles. This is automatically created to give you some ideas and let you look at how these articles and categories are structured, so that you can use them as a guide.

You can also delete this sample content from your account at any time, by visiting the Articles page from the Navigation Menu.

Once you have opened the Articles page, you can click on the three dots to the right of the help toggle, over to the top-right of the page, which will show a dropdown menu of options and then select the "Remove Sample Content" option.

Remove Sample Content

After you confirm that you wish to remove the sample content, all of the sample content from your site will be removed (along with any changes you might have made to it), leaving all of your other content remaining (only sample categories and articles within them will be removed).

Note that any edits to articles or new articles created within the sample content will be removed whenever you select this option, so be sure to add your own content in its own categories and articles, so that they are not accidentally deleted.

Adding Sample Content

After you have removed sample content from your site, you can always add it back in later if needed, using the "Add Sample Content" option from the same 3 dots menu to the right of the 'Show help' option in the top right hand corner of the Articles page.

Add Sample Content

You will be asked to confirm before the content is added to your account. Also, the content will not be immediately visible to anonymous users, so you can comfortably work on things until you are ready to publish.

In fact, when you import sample content, it will automatically generate a new Group called 'Sample Content' that you can modify to control access to these pages, but we'll discuss more about Groups later.

Look Around and Make Changes

Since you can always replace the sample content, you should feel free to edit it however you want, to get a sense for how to use the editor and organize content.

Sample content that you import will be your own copy, so feel free to change it, delete it or add to it while you get familiar working with GoGoWorx.

For example, if you select the ' Sample Content ' category from the tree control shown to the left, you will see the ' Getting Started ' article shown in the list to the right. Click on the Edit button [ Edit Button ] to the right of the ' Getting Started ' row to open the article in edit mode.  Read our Full Featured Editor article for more details about using the editor.

Getting Started Example

Note that after you have imported sample content, you can delete it again at any time by clicking this same button (it will be shown as 'Delete Sample Content'), then later, you can add sample content again if you need to. There is no limit to the number of times you can import or delete sample content.

Creating Categories

Categories are designed to be general containers of information related to certain topics.

After you've gone through some of the sample content, you can create your own categories, either in the root of the category tree, or as sub-categories within the sample content portion of the category tree.

For example, you might have a number of different products, so you might want to create different categories as containers for information about those products so that you users can easily locate content they are looking for.

Product Category

Create New Articles

Once you have categories in which to organize your articles, you can add new articles when you're ready.

To create a new article within a category, select the category from the list on the left, then click the Add new article button [ Add Article Button ] and select one of the available Article Templates. Specify a title for your new article, and then start typing!

Images make articles more readable

Great articles are informative, clearly written and ideally should have a good balance of images and white-space, so as not to appear too boring or simply a bunch of text. Use color and styling if you prefer. Also, account types that have Customized Themes enabled allow you control over the styling, color, font and CSS behavior of your site. This can be used to match any existing corporate identity you have, or choose your own styling for your knowledge base. See our Article Writing Guidelines article for some ideas about using your own guidelines while writing articles.

Assigning Permissions

Access Control Access to your content is completely under your control, whether you are creating content for your internal team, or creating public or restricted access to customers or other users.

In GoGoWorx, permissions are controlled using Groups . You can create your own groups, or use the samples provided for you when you first sign up. You can edit, create or delete groups using the Groups section in the Dashboard .

After you have created some groups, you can then assign them to categories, by clicking on a category in the tree-list shown to the left, then choosing the Edit button [ Edit Button ] above to open the Edit Category page, as shown in the example below.

Edit Category Example

You can include each category into any of the defined groups by selecting the appropriate toggle option shown above. You can assign a group to any number of groups you need, so create a hybrid set of permissions.

It's helpful to name your groups in some meaningful way that you will understand. Readers (customers and visitors to your site) will not see these names, so it's more important that you understand their meaning.

Users within your site can also be assigned to groups. This is a manual process controlled by a staff member that has ADMIN Role permission (See User Roles for details of different types of roles).

You can assign each user to any number of groups you want, to provide them access to that content. It is also important to note that anonymous users, or users that have registered, but have not been added to a group can only see content that is assigned the " Public Access " flag. This allows visitors that have not registered or not logged in to see whatever content you want to publish to the public in general (anyone on the Internet).

There is no requirement that you publish any of your content to Public Access, so the choice of what is publicly exposed in this grouping is entirely at your discretion.

Note that staff users, who typically have permission to edit articles and categories (those with the CONTENT_EDITOR role), can access all content, since they need to be able to assign these group permissions, so it makes practical sense to allow them this access.

What's Next?

The rest, as they say, is up to you!

We hope this quick introduction into using GoGoWorx was helpful, but there are many other things you can do. Some good ideas about next steps would be to create your own categories, articles and groups, then assign them to some new users (see Adding New Users to see how users can be added).

Try adding Related Articles links to this Getting Started article (add a reference to the "Frequently Asked Questions" article) and then in the Frequently Asked Questions article, create a Related Articles reference back to this one. Once you see how easy it is to cross-reference articles, you will see the power you're able to leverage.

After that, we encourage you to explore the entire application, using our Support Knowledge Base as a guide, and inspiration.

Let us know what you think. We've tried to answer most questions in our Support Knowledge Base, but any feedback or suggestions are always welcome.


Welcome Aboard