Account Types


There are four main Account Types available when working with knowledge base services, ranging from the Free (Basic) account type, to the Enterprise account type.

Feel free to contact us if you require a custom account configuration

Each of the available types comes with a number of different features, giving you the flexibility to select options most suitable for your team's needs.

The table below shows a list of the knowledge base account types, along with their respective features from which you can choose...





1 Staff User Limit

Unlimited Staff

Unlimited Readers







10 MB

100 MB

5 GB

50 GB


Visitor Metrics

Basic Plan

This is our free account type that is always free, but is limited to a single administrative user, but can be accessed by unlimited readers. This is designed for small companies, or individuals who only have up to 25 articles to maintain and don't require more than 10 MB of storage.

Not that the Basic account type is limited to a single staff user. If you require more than one staff user, or if you want to be able to assign different staff users their own roles, you will need to upgrade to the Standard account type.

Standard Plan

The Standard account type has the same functionality as Basic, but can have any number of staff users that can be assigned and allows up to 100 articles and 100 MB of storage.

Professional Plan

Contains all of the functionality of the Standard account type, with up with 500 articles and 5 GB of storage

In addition, the Pro account type allows Style Customization and design of Custom Header and Custom Footer for public-facing pages. This allows you to modify the look and feel of the Knowledge Base to match your corporate identity, optionally removing the GoGoWorx branding, if this is something you prefer.

Customization of Headers and Footers on these pages can match your main website for example and/or contain links to other areas you want to provide for your users.

The Pro version also includes Visitor Metrics functionality, providing access and insights for visualizing the number of visitors to your site as well as when they visit. This functionality also allows you to see which search phrases are most commonly requested by visitors so that you can add or adjust content accordingly.

Enterprise Plan

The Enterprise account type contains all of the features of the Professional plan, but allows for more articles and more storage space. This is primarily designed for larger-scale environments which have outgrown the limits of the Professional plan.

Remember that you can always change account types later, whether during your initial 30-day trial period, or afterwards. Account type selection can be accessed in the Account section of the Account Dashboard for users with appropriate Account Administrator permissions. If you need assistance changing account types, feel free to contact for assistance.