Administration 9 articles

Administration Overview

Working with your knowledge base starts with the Navigation Bar at the top of the screen, as shown here: This Navigation Bar provides easy access to all of the functionality of the knowledge base, organized into easy to find sections. Note that the options displayed here will be limited based on the assigned User Roles . For example, non-staff `READER` type users will not see any of…


The Dashboard offers a number of views that describe the status of your knowledge base service Note: most Dashboard functionality is only accessible by staff users (those with `ADMIN` or `CONTENT_EDITOR`) Summary View The summary view gives a high-level overview of your knowledge base service. Account Information As you can see from this example, the type of account…


The amount of storage you use on the GoGoWorx Service consists of three main things Storage space used up by articles Storage space used by uploaded images and content added to articles Storage spaces associated with any file attachments added to articles. These three combined contribute towards the permitted limit assigned to each of the Account Types . You can see on the D…

Admin Settings

The Admin Settings page provides access to changing various elements of your account, which is broken into a number of logical areas, which are described below Only users with `ADMIN` role permission for the application can access this page to make changes. Admin Lists This is a general setting that controls the number of items displayed in various administrative pages, such as Ar…


Groups are used to control access and visibility to categories and any articles contained within those categories. From the Groups menu in the knowledge base navigation bar, you can see the list of defined groups, as shown here: Notice that the "Public Access" group has "Public" flag set, meaning that anonymous (public) users can see any content associated with this group. In other …

User Roles

Users accessing GoGoWorx services can optionally be assigned a number of different roles that control permissions as described in this article. Account-Specific Roles Account roles are assigned at the account level, meaning they control access to account-specific configurations and content. Typically, `ACCOUNT` roles are only assigned to trusted staff members, and should only be granted …

User Groups

As described in the Groups article, groups are a way of organizing access to content (categories and articles within them) In order to use this Groups mechanism effectively, groups need to be defined (as described in the Groups article) and then assigned to each of your categories. Users must then be granted access to certain Groups in order for them to access that content. This article d…

Adding New Users

Adding new users to an account can be done in a couple of different ways, depending on how the account settings are configured. The first user in any account is the person that creates the account in the first instance. This user is automatically granted `ACCOUNT` and `MANAGER` roles, so that they can modify account settings and add any initial users they wish. All other users must be added e…


The GoGoWorx service sends out a number of emails, typically triggered by activity in your account. Some examples of the kinds of emails users may expect to see are: Confirm Registration This type of email is used to confirm a user's email address, often during the registration process. User Approval When enabled, user approval is required before new users can log in and access …

Administration   9 articles